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This article explores the ways in which the white working-class residents of a suburban English town reflect on their relationships with their British Asian Pakistani Muslim neighbors. Its focus is on how everyday constructions of home become sites for the intermingling of discourses of intercultural conviviality and racism. My contention is that the idea of home has not yet been given the detailed critical attention that it deserves in the sociological literature on everyday manifestations of multiculturalism, conviviality, and racism. My supposition is that a special focus on the idea of home as the site of conviviality offers a productive avenue to analyze how intercultural relationships are formed and how the norms of neighborliness are thought to break down, opening a space for commonplace racialized and racist stereotypes to take hold. The idea of home is central to the rhythm and landscape of the English suburbs. It conjures up the idea of a uniform and aspirational white space. Drawing on this imaginary of home, I shall trace how “white working class” “English,” “Scottish,” and “Anglo-Italian” residents’ everyday constructions of home become embroiled with their relationships with their British Asian Pakistani Muslim neighbors.  相似文献   
深入贯彻落实十九大精神,打赢教育战线上的脱贫攻坚战,实施帮扶确保学业困难学生顺利完成学业是每一位教育工作者义不容辞的责任。文章采取问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法对SL学院400名学业困难学生帮扶现状进行了调查,结果显示:学困生帮扶意愿强烈,倾向于向朋辈求助;学困生认为学校已经开展的帮扶很有必要,但效果有待于进一步提高;辅导员作为学校学困生帮扶的主要人员,对学生的帮扶深度不够,效果欠佳,亟待提出相应对策提升帮扶效果,帮助学困生顺利脱困。  相似文献   
中国宪法第41条中的“控告权”不等同于、但包含了“行政诉权”的内涵。宪法中的行政诉权具有两种属性:一是作为公权利的“监督权”,二是作为私权利的侵权后的“救济权”。前者是政治性权利,也是实体性权利,后者是非政治性权利,是典型的程序性权利。这意味着人们长期把行政诉权仅仅作为一种救济权或程序性权利有失偏颇。为了规范行政诉权行使的秩序,行政诉讼法对宪法中的行政诉权在内容上进行了缩限,并在权利的外在形式上体现出程序性特征,但这不意味着行政诉讼法中的行政诉权所继受的权力属性有所改变。  相似文献   

While much literature has focused on the meaning of home, relatively little has been conducted on homemaking in later life. This paper demonstrates the importance of time in conceptualizations of home. Using an extensive case study from a multi-interview study with eight older people in England, it is shown that gardening can form the basis of a temporal framework which structures a life. Importantly, gardening can seem essential in homemaking and a reason not to move to residential living. This paper builds on literature that suggests home is a process and that people’s conceptualization and experience of home develop throughout their lives. As ageing and dying have become long and complicated processes, it is argued older people may find this challenging as this makes it difficult to prepare for the end of life.  相似文献   
Early phase 2 tuberculosis (TB) trials are conducted to characterize the early bactericidal activity (EBA) of anti‐TB drugs. The EBA of anti‐TB drugs has conventionally been calculated as the rate of decline in colony forming unit (CFU) count during the first 14 days of treatment. The measurement of CFU count, however, is expensive and prone to contamination. Alternatively to CFU count, time to positivity (TTP), which is a potential biomarker for long‐term efficacy of anti‐TB drugs, can be used to characterize EBA. The current Bayesian nonlinear mixed‐effects (NLME) regression model for TTP data, however, lacks robustness to gross outliers that often are present in the data. The conventional way of handling such outliers involves their identification by visual inspection and subsequent exclusion from the analysis. However, this process can be questioned because of its subjective nature. For this reason, we fitted robust versions of the Bayesian nonlinear mixed‐effects regression model to a wide range of TTP datasets. The performance of the explored models was assessed through model comparison statistics and a simulation study. We conclude that fitting a robust model to TTP data obviates the need for explicit identification and subsequent “deletion” of outliers but ensures that gross outliers exert no undue influence on model fits. We recommend that the current practice of fitting conventional normal theory models be abandoned in favor of fitting robust models to TTP data.  相似文献   
同美  益卓 《民族学刊》2018,9(3):65-72, 117-119
从藏族古代文化的视角来看,金器太阳神鸟图似乎与斯巴嘎巴和迥瓦风轮的观念有关,斯巴嘎巴和迥瓦风轮观涉及藏族本教的空间时间观和宇宙本体观。斯巴嘎巴是藏语的汉语对音,指空间和时间。迥瓦是藏语的汉语对音,指风火水土四元素。风轮是藏语的汉语意思表达,指“风”为元初原动力的宇宙形成观。在藏语言里,黄金面具实为金面。古藏人非常重视头发及其发型,即便是对死者补妆也是如此,在为死者补妆时,发辫被排在了补妆12点数的首选位置,且头发与绿松石相对应。  相似文献   
《南行记》中的"我",是中国现代文学史上最切近鲁迅所说"中国新青年",同时也最切近世界性的浮士德精神的人物。"我"在《山峡中》中的经历,就是一个具体而微的"浮士德冒险"故事。小说全面展示了作为现代人的"我"如何在过去、现在、未来三种不同的生活世界中选择自己的人生道路,造就自己行动的哲学的内在机制,创造了一种永远向着未来展开的现代性伦理。  相似文献   
刑事证明责任内涵应当包含“评价要素”,对于特定事实,证明责任承担者所举证据仅需要达到说服法官相信事实可能成立之程度。分配证明责任应当遵循证据所持、证据距离与诉讼效率等原则。我国刑事诉讼法未将量刑事实的证明责任进行区别对待,对公诉机关和法院的证明责任规定也不尽合理,更未规定证明责任转移规则。为最大程度实现量刑公正,应尝试对我国量刑事实的证明责任进行体系性完善,合理规定控方、被告人与被害人的证明责任,对立功、认罪认罚等量刑事实创设证明责任转移规则。  相似文献   
随着我国人口老龄化不断加剧,切实保障好老年人健康格外紧迫。基于此,文章采用中国健康与养老追踪调查数据从身体机能健康和心理健康两个维度实证考察了医疗保险对老年人健康的影响及其作用机制。研究发现,医疗保险能够显著提高老年人身体机能健康和心理健康。机制研究表明,医疗保险能够显著提高老年人医疗服务利用、降低老年人慢性病发生率进而影响到老年人健康。因此,进一步扩大老年人医疗保险覆盖面、提高医疗保障水平、促进医疗服务公平性和可及性,是我国人口老龄化不断加剧状况下保障老年人健康的重要途径。  相似文献   
自十九大报告提出"习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想"以来,学者们从形成背景、理论渊源、发展历程、逻辑内涵、重大意义等维度,对其进行了多个层面的研究阐释,取得了比较丰硕的研究成果,为今后贯彻落实这一思想提供了重要基础。但是仍需看到,由于这一思想正式提出时间不长,学者们研究时间有限,现有研究成果难免存在一些不足之处,主要有四个方面:整体性研究有待提高,实证研究有待加强,跨学科研究有待拓宽,国际视野有待扩展。  相似文献   
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